List Of Cars Not Allowed On P Plates References

They Are Not By Law Required To Use Them.

In sa, you have red p plates on your car for 12 months. Afaik aftermarket exhausts are legal under the p plate laws as long as they comply with the law limit of 90db. For any driver, included unrestricted licence.

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It has an engine with eight or more cylinders or a turbocharged or supercharged engine that is. The following vehicles are exempt and can be driven on a p1 or p2 licence: This is because prohibited vehicles are a high risk for drivers on their ps.

In Some States, P Platers Are Not Allowed To Drive Cars That Have More Than Five Passengers.

Is it illegal to not have p plates? A prohibited vehicle needs to be driven for genuine. The restrictions are that “if you’re under 25 and are on your red ps, you must not drive.

They Are Used On A Voluntary Basis.

There are even regulations covering the width of the. Unlike learner plates, p plates are not a legal requirement. It's been a long time, but there used to be exemptions for p platers to drive restricted cars if they were family cars.

No One Is Required To Put P Plates On Their Car.

Meanwhile, the l itself must be 102 mm tall and 89 mm wide. Meanwhile, cars manufactured before january 1, 2010, are prohibited to p platers if: For p1 red p plate drivers in nsw, you are allowed a full car of passengers between 5am and 11pm.